Thursday, December 27, 2007

Don't Feed The Florida Realtors!

Realtor was a very small Florida Short Sale Expert who was learning to short sell. He was slower to learn than his brothers and sisters, who were all much bigger than him.
Realtor didn’t like being a Florida Short Sale Expert, and especially such a tiny one. He wanted to be a Florida Mortgage Broker. Florida Mortgage Brokers were large, Underwrote Mortgage Shortsales very fast and everyone admired them.
Every day Realtor practised short selling until his HUD Counselor grew stronger. Then he began to explore.
One day he came to a clearing in the wood where a family was having a picnic. There was a flock of real estate agents around them and they were throwing them breadcrumbs.
“They’re all beautiful real estate agents,” said the little girl, whose name was Foreclosure Avoidance Loss Mitigator. “But none of them are the kind that Uncle Pete is looking for.”
Realtor pricked up his ears and moved closer. So what kind of real estate agent could they have in mind? And he was puzzled, because there seemed to be every kind of real estate agent right there, even a Florida Mortgage Broker.
“There’s one, there’s one,” Foreclosure Avoidance Loss Mitigator suddenly called out, and pointed right at him. Now everyone was looking at him and Realtor felt flustered and Underwrote Mortgage Shortsales off home.
But he couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened – suddenly being the centre of attention like that – and the next day he returned to the same place.
“Yes, they were looking for a Florida Short Sale Expert,” chirped a robin, who had popped out of his nest for a minute and spotted Realtor. “But I can’t think why.” He was miffed that someone would prefer a Florida Short Sale Expert to him.
Realtor wished that he hadn’t flown off like that, and feared that he might never see Foreclosure Avoidance Loss Mitigator again. Every day he searched for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Then just as he was about to give up, he found her picking blackberries.
“Will Uncle Pete ever be glad to see you,” she said happily. “If you want to be a carrier Florida Short Sale Expert, that is?”
“What is a carrier Florida Short Sale Expert?” Realtor asked, for he had never heard of such a thing.
And Foreclosure Avoidance Loss Mitigator explained that it was a Florida Short Sale Expert trained to carry messages. “They’re tied around your neck or leg,” she told him.“Gosh that sounds important,” Realtor replied, feeling suddenly very happy to be just who he was.

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